HW Assignment #2 - 091715

(Oh hi, I didn't the first assignment correctly so if you wanted to view it in it's proper form [webpage and all], you can go here: http://melodyloveless.neocities.org/1.html Sorry for messing up the first time.)

The assignment this week was to create something aesthetically pleasing/interesting using loops or elaborate on the project that we worked on last week. Although I do like my project from last week, I wanted to go a different route this time.

There's an interactive element to what I created - you should click on it! You can view Assignment #2 here.

For the loops, I used two of them for the background - the squares and circles. I tried figuring out how to create a loop for the rows of squares since their position on the y-axis is consistantly spaced apart but I had a difficult time. However, the way that I did it, I was able to easily create variation in color between the different rows and I like that effect.

Asthetically, I knew that I wanted to work with a square background and overlay circles at some point. In another class, we were working on setting off triggers by key clicks so I wanted to use something similar here but with a mouse click. When you click the mouse over the screen, color of the squares and circles in the background change. The fill for the brain [rgb(255,174 ,185)] is the base for the fill of the squares and circles. I based all of the colors of those shapes off of that color. When I added the random element into the equation, this base color from the brain kept the colors in the same sort of palette.

I'm pretty happy with the results.

Source Code:

var ypos = 0;
var xpos = 0;
// xstep = px apart on the x-plane
var xstep= 15;
var changeMe;
// picked these proportions from the golden ratio
var golden=40;
var a =24.721;
var b =15.278;

function setup() {

function draw() {

//loop-di-loop! wooooowwwww!
for (var i=0; i<30; i++){
// changing color squares
fill(255, 182-i, changeMe + (i*1.5));
rect(xpos + xstep * i,ypos, golden+(i*10),golden);
fill(255, 50+(i*5.5), changeMe);
rect(xpos + xstep * i, golden, golden+(i*10),golden);
fill(50+(i*5.5), changeMe, 193);
rect(xpos + xstep * i, 80,golden+(i*10),golden);
fill(changeMe+(i*.5), 182, 193);
rect(xpos + xstep * i, 120,golden+(i*10),golden);
fill(255, changeMe, 70+(i*5.5));
rect(xpos + xstep * i, 160,golden+(i*10),golden);
fill(changeMe, 182, 70+(i*5.5));
rect(xpos + xstep * i, 200,golden+(i*10),golden);
fill(255, 182, 70+(i*changeMe));
rect(xpos + xstep * i, 240,golden+(i*10),golden);
fill(255, changeMe, 70+(i*1.5));
rect(xpos + xstep * i, 280,golden+(i*10),golden);
fill(changeMe, 182, golden+(i*b));
rect(xpos + xstep * i, 320,golden+(i*10),golden);
fill(changeMe, 182, 70+(i*1.5));
rect(xpos + xstep * i, 360,golden+(i*10),golden);

// This was a mistake but I thought it looked really cool
// so I kept it
// I meant to only put a stroke with the ellipse
// which I could have down by putting noStroke();
// before the rect

for (var z=0; z<20; z++){
// circles
fill(255, 50+(i*5.5), changeMe);

ellipse(200, 200, 200, 240);
ellipse(200, 110, 50, 50);
ellipse(200, 123, 50, 50);
ellipse(170, 122, 50, 50);
ellipse(160, 125, 43, 43);
ellipse(230, 122, 50, 50);
ellipse(240, 125, 43, 43);

function mousePressed() {
changeMe = random(255);
//changeMe is the same random number
// for all formulas so it creates
// consistancy between variation

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