HW Assignment #1 - 091015

I realized that I didn't really do this assignment properly the first time (oops!) so I've created this page dedicated my first art baby of Creative Coding.

Behold - #1!

I did not have a method to this creation. I just started experimenting and came up with this. I knew that I wanted to put a circle within a circle (see upper left corner) but I didn't realize that my line would position so suggestively above the smaller circle - it reminds me of a face. Although the final result is simple, I really like it.

Source Code:

function setup() {
createCanvas(600, 600);

function draw() { background(159, 69, 118);
rect(60, 219, 199, 219);
fill (0);
quad(100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 400, 300, 200);
fill (50);
ellipse(70, 150, 250, 250);
fill (50);
ellipse(50, 550, 90, 80);
ellipse(50, 150, 90, 80);
ellipse(550, 550, 90, 80);
ellipse(550, 50, 90, 80);
line(50, 65, 90, 90);
rect(360, 219, 199, 219);
fill (0);

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